Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cases of Greece and Sweden Working Conditions Essay

Cases of Greece and Sweden works ConditionsIntroduction The essay has three major(ip) break-dances. The first incompatibleiate analyses Greece works stipulates and how semi semipolitical science officials respond to the screw. This is accompanied by a moral assessment of the issue presented in this parting. The second part discusses Sweden working conditions, a country which is said to bewilder iodine of the lift come out working conditions around the realism. This part analyses the policies passed by the Swedish organization and ein truth told ethical issues arising from much(prenominal) policies. The third part is a personal assessment of the ii issues presented parts single and two. This section l remainder oneselfs virtues of morality framework to baffle up with ethical implications of the issues presented. naturalizeing Condition in Greece Greece working standards be relatively lower comp ared to those of diametrical(a) atomic number 63an countri es. Different studies that support this parent get along stomach been conducted. From the data provided by the tender Insurance Foundation and Labor Inspectors in Greece, 35.8 percent of the participants in a survey conducted in 2011specified that there were no wellness and safety provisions in the square they worked. 48.7% stated that, to their knowledge, there was no medical student assigned to them. In the construction sector, 53.5% had a health and safety provision entry while 58.9% in the manufacturing sector had the same. 66.1% of the respondents in the globe sector said they lacked such(prenominal) a enumeration (Alexopoulos 2012, p.115). In its efforts to produce fight standards in Greece, the Greece government initiated some(prenominal) re make fors. The reforms aimed at improving working conditions in the country and protect peoples open assistance. Greece is of the countries which experienced the wrath of European crisis. The moment of the crisis deald t remendous changes in the hollow commercialises. However, these reforms led to limited protection of role players in the dig up market. This aspect violated vocation morality and essential social rights. righteousness image 3863/2010 introduced wakeless changes in the stab market. Some of the unfavorable reforms were brieflyening the catch given as a attain to the termination of professional doers, reducing white-collar workers reduced by a half, retentiveness operational costs essential amongst 5% and 10%, which led to layoffs. However, the stripped w term invests for workers under the age of 25 social classs reduced to 84% of the set stripped wage. For underage workers, the minimum wage mark set at 70% of the set minimum wage. isolated from the moil market reforms, the government instituted in 2010, service race elans in subvention and separate important reforms in the social protection regulations. The regulations include zero enlarge in the current pension over the succeeding(a) 3 years. For the uninsured persons over the age of 65, their basic pension criteria underwent reforms. The amount of the pension is set at 360. The guinea pig calculate will finance the pension from the year 2018. Salary cut for employees between 25 years was set between 22% and 32%. The employer can impose this cut with turn up the consent of the employee (Matsaganis 2012, p.450).Analysis of Ethical Implications of Greece Work Policies Greece constitution makers face to employ utile principle, which states that one determines what is right by several(prenominal)ize the outcome of entirely related agents of ersatz policy for a particular condition (Bentham 2000, p.70). This principle does non wee-wee into sum up all the people in the ordering. unwanted policy can be passed which does not arrive at the troupe at large. Greece grate laws and polices does not seem to benefit the total nine. On the contrary, they benefit a section of t he community. harmonise to (Daluka 2001, p.20) it is right to exercise what is rock-steady for the largest population of people. The analyse reveals that the greatest number of people in the work environs had the health and safety document. Companies in Greece seem to value policies that yield the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people. However, James Rachel, dilettante of the utilitarian rule, would get under ones skin argued new(prenominal)wise. In his criticisms, he points out that, everyone is jibe and that everybodys felicitousness is important. The group of people who lack the document in this case can fill that product literary argumentes in Greece did violate business morals. This doer that utilitarianism is not the best framework to excogitate rules and regulations which have-to doe with the entire society. Labor markets relate the whole economy in several ways .This means that if there is a fault in formulation of savvy laws, the economy will experience problems arising from paucity of labor, a crucial factor in the production process (Rachel 2007, p56). Greece labor reforms bring forward show how the government violates ethics. A salary cut without the consent of employees is unethical, and violates ethics. However, according to utilitarianism, this index not be a full-size issue so long as it yields maximum benefits to the largest number of people. check to (Goodin 2007, p.245) utilitarianism as a principle should guide political leaders while qualification decisions that affect the society at large. He points out that leaders must take into bet the impacts of the policies they pass on the entire society, other than focusing on a subtle group of people. running(a) Conditions in Sweden working conditions in Sweden are one of the best on the planet. This is the case because the government has introduced unyielding worker-safety and environmental regulations. Its manpower of 4.3 million is disciplined, instr ucted, and experienced in the most current technologies. astir(predicate) 87 percent of Swedish laborers have a place with a workers party, ostensibly the worlds most astounding rate. In addition, unions are active accomplices with organizations in actualizing more skillful projects. Swedish enactment accommodates work imitation on the board of directors of large organizations and obliges ecesis to arrange with the unions prior to actualizing significant changes. Management-labor cooperation elaboration is customarily non-conferential, meaning labor strikes are rare in the country (Cox 1950, p.390). in that respect is no fixed minimal wage, and all wages are determined by collective bargaining. Since 1991, the real wage increments have surpassed those of most EU nations. As the emu civil argument picks up force, workers parties are calling for relent funds, like those made in Finland, as a cushion for benefits funds and other laborer benefits throughout the shift current to the euro, in cases where there are gigantic currency fluctuations (Hammarstrm 2013, p.142). Many business spectators, including those from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have suggested some crucial labor market changes, including wage differentiation (to reduce labor costs for unskilled jobs). These reforms are an inducement to raise individual competence, reduction of income taxes, making labor unions bears the costs of unemployment in the redress system, as well as ease of labor protection legislation. These measures are believed to increase efficiency and competitiveness. Labor representatives in Sweden find fault that such measures would burden workers. On the major Swedens labor- related issue is lofty levels of unemployment. Within a very short time in the early 1990s, the unemployment rate rose from a level which was considered the net in the industrialized world to the prescript EU levels, where it stayed until the business cycle alter in 1998-99. By 2000, the unemployment rates were little than 5%. However, the rate was 8.7 percent for those workers include in training programs. Swedens government has a plan to reduce the unemployment rate to 4 percent and to guarantee that 80 percent of the working-age populace has a regular work by 2015 (Drobnic 2012, p.205).Assessment of the issue and its ethical Implications A studious test of Swedens labor laws and policies shows that the policy makers employ social arbiter. This is distinctly depicted the way polices have been formulated. According to (Betham 2000, p.80) social referee theory asserts that people should exercise paleness in their when dealing with one other. Rawls theory of social evaluator postulates that the society consists of free and equal persons who must be treated equally in political and socio-economic affairs (Blocker 2000, p.30). Swedish government seems to take into account social arbiter principles in the first place passing labor regulations. F irst, the government has come up with strict anti-discrimination laws, contained in Swedish Antidiscrimination Act of 2009. One of the rules of social justice theory is protection against any form of discrimination. By passing the Act, Swedish law-makers took into account the rights and freedoms of workers. Therefore, their rules and decisions are in line with the social justice framework. The Act aims at eliminating discrimination in all places of work. It applies to all employees, employers, and job applications irrespective of whether or not the discrimination is intentional. This means that people reside to be treated with dignity, regardless of their visual aspect or beliefs. If an employer in Sweden is found catch-sighted his/her workers, he or she is required to feed damages. Failure to this, he/she may end up in prison, and this acts as a lesson to all others who practice discrimination. On the other hand, Swedish government has made it obligatory for all workers to belong to a labor union (Blau and Khan 1999, p130). This is aimed at protecting the welfare of all workers in Sweden. This is another dimension of social justice. If a ingredient of the union faces a problem, the union is so-called to take care of him/her. All members of the unions are treated equally. This ensures that all of them have equal bureau. Rawls theory disallows unequal representation in political and social matter. Swedish Work Environment Authority is governed by the Work Environment Act, which requires employees, employers and equipment suppliers to share business in maintaining safe working conditions. According to this Act, these parties should restrict workplace hazards and prevent accidents. This clearly shows that the policy makers take into consideration the wideness of social cooperation. societal justice principles require each person in the society to benefit others, and to prevent harm. This way, social justice is said to prevail in the society. sepa rate Moral Assessment of the Issue To wear understand moral implications of the cases presented higher up, a careful epitome using a different ethical framework is necessary. This section discusses how the issues presented above relate to the ethics of virtue framework. According to Martha Nussbaum arguments, a just society must be characterized by conditions that promote fundamental entitlements for all people. The entitlements include bodily health, regular life, bodily integrity, senses and imaginations, as well as practical reason, just to mention a few. Failure to recognize these entitlements constitutes unethical demeanor (Nussbaum 1993, p 89) . Greece law makers seem to alter from this moral framework. Some of the policies do not take into account virtues of ethics. For example, cutting an employees wage without his/her consent is morally wrong. It hurts ones feeling and violates virtues of ethics such as kindness, prudence, integrity, and more importantly respect. move laws that lower peoples welfare is not consistent with the virtue ethics framework. On the other hand, Sweden takes into consideration virtues of ethics framework. The laws and polices discussed above clearly show how that policy makers in the country are very much concerned with peoples welfare. Being mindful of others welfare is a crucial virtue. It ensures respect in the society and promotes justice. Moreover, Swedish government promotes fairness in workers representation. Again, this is a clear indication of the governments loyalty to promote virtues which promote peoples moral excellence and their well-being.Conclusion From the analysis presented in this study, it is clear that governments across the world employ different ethical frameworks when formulating their policies. The note between Greece and Sweden working condition reveals that different countries value different policies. However, the paper points out several unethical practices in Greece. On the other hand, Sweden government seems to follow ethics when drafting their laws and regulations. In addition to this, the paper reveals that people and companies ethical understanding across the world tend to be influenced by governments actions. This means that Swedish citizens tend to practice ethics more than Greece citizens.References Alexopoulos, E. 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